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Hi everyone, 


This is my Wishlist. 


Priority :


- Godly Swampert Damp 31 HP 24+ Relaxed 

- Godly Breloom Poison Heal 31 Spd Jolly 24+

- Godly Altaria Naive 31 Spd 24+ Cloud Nine

- Godly Chandelure Infiltrator Timid HP Ice 31 Spd 24+

- Godly Lucario Jolly Justified 31 Spd 24+


Others :


- Godly Florges Calm 24+ and 31 HP

- Godly Roserade Timid 30 Spd 24+ Technician HP Fire 

- Godly Beedrill Jolly 31 Spd / 24+

- Godly Gyarados Intimidate / Moxie Jolly 31 Spd 24+

- Godly Infernape Jolly 31 Spd 24+ Blaze

- Godly Alakazam Timid HP Ice 31 Spd 24+ Magic Guard or HP Fire 30 Spd 24+

- Godly Gengar Timid 30 Spd 24+ HP Fire or 31 Spd HP Ice 24+

- Godly Garchomp Naive 31 SPD 24+ Rough Skin

- Godly Hippowdon Impish 31 HP 24+ Sand Stream

- Godly Scizor Adamant 31 SPD 24+ Technician

- Godly Mandibuzz Carefull 31 HP 24+ Overcoat

- Godly Excadrill Sand Rush Adamant 31 SPD 24+

- Godly Gardevoir Hp Fire 30 SPD 24+

- Godly Blissey 31 HP 24+ Natural Cure

- Godly Chansey 31 HP 24+ Natural Cure

- Godly Clefable 31 HP 24+ Unaware / Magic Guard

- Godly Hydreigon 31 SPD 24+ Timid or Naive

- Godly Dragonite 31 SPD 24+ Adamant or Naive

- Godly Magnezone 30 SPD 24+ Magnett Pull Hp Fire

- Godly Magmortar 31 SPD 24+ Hp Ice Vital Spirit

- Godly Vaporeon 31 HP 24+ Bold Water Absorb

- Godly Crobat 31 SPD 24+ Jolly Infiltrator

- Godly Azumarill 31 SPD 24+ Adamant Huge Power

- Godly Gliscor Carefull Poison Heal 31 HP 24+

- Godly Heracross Jolly 31 SPD 24+ Moxie

- Godly Weavile Jolly 31 SPD 24+ Pressure

- Godly Carefull Snorlax 31 HP 24+ Thick Fat

- Godly Skarmory Impish 31 HP 24+ Sturdy

- Godly Manectric Lightning Rod 31 SPD 24+ Hp Ice or Grass

- Godly Metagross Adamant 31 SPD 24+ Clear Body

- Godly Staraptor Jolly Reckless 31 SPD 24+

- Godly Togekiss Timid 31 SPD 24+ Serene Grace

- Godly Serperior Timid Hp Fire 30 SPD 24+ Contrary

- Godly Conkeldurr 31 SPD 24+ Adamant Guts


Please feel free to show me your pokemon on this topic or on discord : Dragokraz#7745


Thank you all, 

Edited by Dragokraz
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