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1. Starts at 3.5 million. Increase each bid by 140k.

2. Bidding will last around 48-72 hours after this post.

3. MS Medallions = 140k to me. I don't accept trading for other Pokemons.

4. I reserve the right to reject any offers made.

5. If I don't contact you within 24 hours after bidding ends, either you weren't the top bidder or I didn't like the offers enough to sell.



Hello Realm,


I think that you never get these 6 millions because of the fact, that the IVs of your Sylveon aren't that good. Sylveon has its strongest base stats at SPDEF, SPATK & HP. The IV at his strongest stat (SPDEF) is only at 16, at his next strongest (SPATK) it is at 26, this is not bad but useless for a Sylveon with its role as a wall. The 3rd strongest base stat (HP) is at 26 as well and you skilled the EV to the Maximum (this is good).


So you tried to skill this Sylveon to a wall, but his IV at DEF is only at 6 even if you fully skilled the EV and the nature increases the DEF about 10% a Sylveon with high IV (and EV) at SPDEF and HP and the nature SASSY would be much better than yours.


I hope I could explain it clearly ^^. I feel sorry for you but I would suggest you to lower your price extremely if you want to sell it.



Polyxena :Smile:

No offence, but that starting price is beyond absurd. I understand Sylveon is extremely rare, but asking for 6m, let alone as a starting bid, for a Sylveon with okay-ish IV's is insane. I'm almost certain not even 10% of the server population have above 5m.

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