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I need opinions and criticism on what I should run or changes to what I could change.


Pokemon: Ninetales w/ Drought

Nature: Timid

Item: Charcoal

EV Spread: 252 Sp.A/252 Speed

Moves: Nasty Plot/Flamethrower/Solarbeam/Extrasensory


Pokemon: Bellossom w/ Chlorophyl

Nature: Modest

Item: Miracle Seed

EV Spread: 252 Sp. A/252 Speed

Moves: Stun Spore/Solarbeam/Giga Drain/Moonblast


Pokemon: Gastrodon w/ Storm Drain

Nature: Bold

Item: Leftovers

EV Spread: 252 HP/252 Defense

Moves: Surf/Ice Beam/Toxic/Recover


Pokemon: Dusclops w/ Levitate

Nature: Careful

Item: Leftovers (will be Eviolite once it's fixed)

EV Spread: 252 HP/80 Def/172 Sp. Defense

Moves: Pain Split/Ice Beam/Night Shade/Will-o-Wisp


Pokemon: Salamence w/ Intimidate

Nature: Rash

Item: Expert Belt (Will be Choice Scarf once it's fixed)

EV Spread: 52 Att/200 Sp.A/252 Speed

Moves: Dragon Claw (Maybe Outrage)/Fire Blast/Rock Slide/Crunch


Pokemon: Lopunny w/ Klutz

Nature: Jolly

Item: Silk Scarf

EV Spread: 252 Att/252 Speed

Moves: Fake Out/Return/Ice Punch/Jump Kick

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I don't really understand the idea behind ur team. I assume it's a sun team w a FWG core - so I won't change its structure. However, I think there're better subtitutions for some member:

Bellossom could be replace w. Any other chloer: ideally a h.a venusaur (if u can afford it) or victreebell, shiffry (cant spell it correctly the dark grass one) even villepilume is better in my opinion.


Lopunny: w.o mega, ---> ambipom w. Tech.

Anything the rabbit can do the monkey can do it better


The mixed mence need some config in its moveset. Although I don't think this set is viable w.o meteor.


Just some thoughts cross my mind. Hope this would help.


Special thanks for Kyuuta for making this awesome sign.

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119831 I don't really understand the idea behind ur team. I assume it's a sun team w a FWG core - so I won't change its structure. However, I think there're better subtitutions for some member:

Bellossom could be replace w. Any other chloer: ideally a h.a venusaur (if u can afford it) or victreebell, shiffry (cant spell it correctly the dark grass one) even villepilume is better in my opinion.


Lopunny: w.o mega, ---> ambipom w. Tech.

Anything the rabbit can do the monkey can do it better


The mixed mence need some config in its moveset. Although I don't think this set is viable w.o meteor.


Just some thoughts cross my mind. Hope this would help.


Yeah I thought a lot about it but under sun, Bellossom is actually faster than anything in the game. I'm picking it for diversity and it will be better once the Heat Rock will be available. Also, I switched out Lopunny for Infernape and I'm looking for a switch for Mence. But yes it did help, thank you!

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Well my point is there are better pokemons that function well under sun (chlo..er) all of them are faster and hit harder than bellossom. Some even have access to better movepool, STAB..

Beside pure grass type won't ever be good (well, with exception of h.a tangrowth and that seed flare shaymin).


Special thanks for Kyuuta for making this awesome sign.

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120494 Well my point is there are better pokemons that function well under sun (chlo..er) all of them are faster and hit harder than bellossom. Some even have access to better movepool, STAB..

Beside pure grass type won't ever be good (well, with exception of h.a tangrowth and that seed flare shaymin).

However Giga Drain and Solarbeam are good as it is. It also has access Moonblast as Oddish. Also Sleep Powder. It's essentially a faster Venusaur that has more coverage for all the dragons running around.

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