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Cover here! :)

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Hiya, I'm Cover and I'm excited to play! Though...I've been trying for two days, and every time its maxed out..


Is there a certain time I should try to get on? :s I played this game a looong time ago and wish to try it again, but it feels like it's hopeless unless I wait until very late night.

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Guest eethan

I know how you feels. just be patient when blue server comes online logging in will be ok anytime.

Just keep the faith dude! They are trying their best to make this game even better. :y:

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119398 Hi cover! I'm glad you're excited to play. Ques are usually pretty full a lot of the time but we are working on a second server to help some of this traffic. I hope you can play soon, and good luck on your travels.


Thank you! :)

I managed to finally see the "Queue" screen but when I try to log in, it tells me that my username or password is wrong :(

I might have to wait for blue

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119394 Hiya, I'm Cover and I'm excited to play! Though...I've been trying for two days, and every time its maxed out..


Is there a certain time I should try to get on? :s I played this game a looong time ago and wish to try it again, but it feels like it's hopeless unless I wait until very late night.


Hello there, You can play now whenever You want. :Smile:

Enjoy. :Sing:

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