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Hi ,Guys


 I would like to suggest a additional guild pvp system to make pro more interesting and competitive,like

About hosting guild pvp tournament in which like every season guilds can enter with 50players or 25 or more or less and there can ge like 6 guilds in singles set qeued against each other on certain criteria like number of members, ratings and total number of playtime of guilmembers(all total) and all the six guilds will fight in bracket and the players who win a pvp match against other guild member will individually get certain new guild currenncy for winning that very mtch and in the last top 3 guilds will be rewarded with the currenncy equally to all members instead of top three most won pvpers of the guild who will be rewarded more and all these currency can be used in coin shop  and by this every member of guilds will develop a competitive spirits for rewards  in pvp as in single ranked battles only ladder players get reward 

There must be new ioption added for guild pvp where only the queued 6 guilds will be get as opponents and the list of the members who gonna participate will be selected by leader while starting the Queue in first week of any season 

Then with every four days the guid opponents in the six guilds will change untill every guild battles wirh every guild in bracket and in the four days span the one who won most battles will win will be declared as 1st,2bd,3rd based on their winsand looses



Mine idea js little bit similar to clash of clans .hope we can this kind of system in pro so tht all the high playtime players also get more interested in pro


Thank you for reading upto here










Edited by Amanpokemontrai



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