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G3n3r4l last won the day on March 19 2022

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About G3n3r4l

  • Birthday 08/14/2003

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    epik pokemon trainer
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Community Answers

  1. because they have lives too and therefore need wallets "oh no, oh crap i lost quick my pokemon need help fast i'm going to run very fast to a pokemon center and get them healed and not pay attention to anything i may drop i.e my wallet" makes complete sense, it's also just a "here you beat me have some cash as a reward" thing Could have a mention for it on like a sign or something at the start of the game, but it would still all rely on people reading the signs are paying attention to it. because you've seen them... do you actually SEE him in the two places, or are you just assuming he's slower than you
  2. "All" - Except for: Not English Trades Battling Mockery Harassment Anything else mute-worthy
  3. i feel like this is more work than worth, the wiki lists all available quests here and should be up to date 9/10 times, from there just cross reference with what you've done and you'll know what you're missing. In terms of legendaries, just check your box, if it's not there, you haven't done it yet.
  4. -1 to the bottom three, +1 to lost tower The difference with that one is that the other ones actually have a full indoors area, and proper flooring and all that stuff. Lost tower is still just grass on the bottom and is more used for hunting than the others. A comparison i made in the discord is that you don't ride your bike on stuff like the Eiffel Tower, or the CN Tower, so why would you ride it on one of pokemon's iconic towers
  5. eeeeehhhhhhhh, -1 It takes away the "legacy" behind it i'd say, older players have it for the reason that they're older players, and have older items, there are several items that are out that other players don't or can't get due to the fact that it's from a past event, maybe have an event reward or prize be that you get to pick a piece of clothing or cosmetic only available from past events, but overall for me it's a -1
  6. G3n3r4l Gold ON/Canada - GMT-4
  7. oh i think i clocked it, so you mean like, having an item that replaces the pokemon with the move teleport, so you can use the abra/natu without needing to having a pokemon that knows teleport in your party. yea i could see that as being used, idk how much, or if it would benefit that many but i think i understand it now
  8. idk, to me it just sounds like a tedious replacement for subway, if it's still costly how much would it improve on subway, there's a reason fly was removed and replaced with the subway as is. My main concern is how would it reproduce the abra teleporting, since that's just done from one end of the route to the other, it's not really anything special, but adding this in just seems like it would be less than pointless, no offense meant. Adding onto the fact that you're still paying for it, it really just seems like you're adding a whole new item to skip one dialogue.
  9. actually i was, they made boss runs easier because you got back to the pc to continue your run, when i was training pokes i would escape rope to heal them, i would save pokecenters with ropes so that i could get back there easier later on without spending 2k more. escape rope, because i've got several hundred of them, so why not, it's called being smart AND lazy. Yes but you're forgetting that i also had steady replenishment of them, so while they were going down, they were also going up. Dig spots, Hidden items, i believe some bosses have them as well. Sorry but this is just a bad idea, it's not feasible, it game annoying to play, because it just means you aren't able to do anything long term without having it be taxed later on. What i want to acknowledge is this here: I asked for a measly number of 5, of the million, that should be simple, you named 2. Yes, i did claim that the impact of escape ropes is minimal because for the average user, they get use when they have them, but won't go out of their way to get ridiculous amounts of them. Since i claimed, and you acknowledged that i claimed, that the impact is so minimal, why's there need of something else that's impact would also be, as previously stated, minimal
  10. name 5 reasonable ones, that aren't just "make X more expensive" Any type of unlimited use item directly impacts the economy more than most other things possible could, for that reason alone is enough for me to -1 this. escape ropes aren't even that expensive in themselves, and you don't have to use them all that often as is, so having even a low number like 50 is still going to last you a really long time. I once bought 999 because i felt like it and it lasted me over a year i recall
  11. ill take the 400k ursaring
  12. Steps taken Wild battle W/L Balls thrown Maybe some smaller stuff like: Trades completed # of messages sent in chat
  13. it does that as well. i dont think you can do it for individual subforums, which would be nice as well, but for the major groups it does that
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