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Pink Jolly Guts Rattata up for auction. Starting offer 100k. 10k bid amounts. Ends 24 hours after first bid. Pokedollars, coin capsules (425k valuation), rare candies (7k valuation) accepted as payment


Edited by chunkydischarge
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Hello chunkydischarge,


According to our trade rules, you have to clarify the value of your coin capsule before the auction start.



Here you can insert the acceptable payments for your Auction. Can be any item, as long as you set its price in Pokedollars and of course it can be Pokedollars. Pokemon trading is not available, since we can't know the exact price for each one and as a result, we can't have a fair rule before the auction starts. The accepted payment for your auction should be specified before an auction starts, this can not be changed once the start price is offered, F.e Coin Capsules, Reroll Tickets, etc. This price can not be changed as well. If at the start of the auction 450k = 1 Coin Capsule has been announced it will be for the duration of the auction.


If someone start your auction before you clarify the value, coin capsule will not be accepted.


Thanks for your understanding and good luck with your auction,

Have a nice day,






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● Please do not contact staff members for private support.

● Use the appropriate forums for your message as it may be of use to others.

● Unsolicited messages will be ignored.

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