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I can't change my Keldeo to Kele


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Hi there @Shjtcute


I apologize for the inconvenience.


You are unable to teach your Keldeo the move Secret Sword because you don't have the caught data for it. We are aware of this bug, and will investigate and find an answer for it once the server stability has improved.


I will let you know once that has happened in this thread.

Hope you understand the situation. Have a wonderful day!




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5 minutes ago, Maisa said:

You are unable to teach your Keldeo the move Secret Sword because you don't have the caught data for it. We are aware of this bug, and will investigate and find an answer for it once the server stability has improved.


I will let you know once that has happened in this thread.





Can i have an exactly range of time till this fixed? cause it's already 2/3 pvp time of this month 😞 

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1 minute ago, Shjtcute said:

Can i have an exactly range of time till this fixed? cause it's already 2/3 pvp time of this month 😞 

I do understand this can be frustrating, but unfortunately I can't give you an estimate of when it will be fixed, as anything can happen in-between now and the time it takes to resolve the issue. Do note that our developers, however, are trying their best and working hard in order to solve the issue. To add to this, I would recommend to take it easy on ranked matches right now, as the server can potentially crash at any time.


I'm aware that this move is not the same as Secret Sword and has dodgy accuracy, but as an alternative, you can teach your Keldeo the move Focus Blast. The tutor can be found at Veilstone City's Gym.


Once again I apologize for the inconvenience.

I hope this doesn't discourage you to play and enjoy the Valentine's event though.

Have a great day!


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@MaisaI got an idea for this, but not sure if it is possible.
I'll release my current keldeo, keep its ID to revoke it later. Then i'll catch another keldeo for dex, and release the new one one more time, and ask for restore the previous one.
I'm asking you if it's a possible resolution

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2 hours ago, Shjtcute said:

@MaisaI got an idea for this, but not sure if it is possible.
I'll release my current keldeo, keep its ID to revoke it later. Then i'll catch another keldeo for dex, and release the new one one more time, and ask for restore the previous one.
I'm asking you if it's a possible resolution

Unfortunately, it's not possible. If you've went ahead and released your old Keldeo, then you will have to recatch the Keldeo that spawns in Crystal Cavern again. 

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Just now, Maisa said:

Unfortunately, it's not possible. If you've went ahead and released your old Keldeo, then you will have to recatch the Keldeo that spawns in Crystal Cavern again. 

I see, but the problem is, the one I screenshot above is the one that I reroll her ivs, and the new one has different ID to the previous one, 
If I released the new one, I think that I deserved a restoration of the old one due to this server bug?

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4 minutes ago, Shjtcute said:

I see, but the problem is, the one I screenshot above is the one that I reroll her ivs, and the new one has different ID to the previous one, 
If I released the new one, I think that I deserved a restoration of the old one due to this server bug?

I understand that, this is intended. Whenever you accidentally release or fail to capture a Keldeo, there will be another one at Crystal Cave, with the exact same IVs and nature from which you first encountered it. 

I've already notified you earlier that the Pokedex's caught data bug (Which is a different issue from the server's stability problem), is known and will be looked into after the server's stability has improved. We can't restore your Keldeo unfortunately. I hope you understand.


I'll be locking this thread now. If you have any further issues or feel like this is an unjust outcome, please do create a new thread.
Have a wonderful day!

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