Leafbolt8 Posted March 15, 2021 Share Posted March 15, 2021 (edited) (Work In Progress) Mega Evolution Guide Introduction: Hello, welcome to my first guide I'm currently working on. This guide will show you information for each of the current megas in PRO. Also feel free to suggest any changes or improvements for this guide. Contents: Spoiler These contents will be shown for each Mega Pokemon: - How to get the Mega Stone - Pros - Cons - Best Sets - Is the original form still usable? - Conclusion Table Of Contents: Spoiler (Work in Progress) Mega Evolution Guide - Introduction - Contents - Table of Contents Generation 1: - Mega Venusaur - Mega Charizard Y - Mega Charizard X - Mega Blastoise - Mega Gengar - Mega Gyarados - Mega Beedrill Generation 2: - Mega Heracross - Mega Houndoom - Mega Scizor - Mega Steelix - Mega Ampharos Generation 3: - Mega Aggron - Mega Bannete - Mega Gardevoir - Mega Sceptile - Mega Swampert - Mega Blaziken - Mega Altaria - Mega Absol - Mega Glalie - Mega Salamence - Mega Latias - Mega Latios Generation 4: - Mega Abomasnow - Mega Gallade - Mega Loppuny - Mega Garchomp Generation 5: - Mega Audino - Credits and Sources Generation 1: Mega Venusaur Spoiler How to get the Mega Stone: Spoiler 1. You will need to get a Bulbasaur of your OT which has the right Nature and has decent IVs (91+) in any stats. The Natures are: Modest, Rash, Bold, or Calm 2. After catching, you will need to train the Bulbasaur to Level 100 with fully trained evs (510 evs) 3. After training the Bulbasaur, go back to Oak in his lab and he will battle you, so make sure to prepare. Oaks Team: 1st Pokemon: Blastoise 2nd Pokemon: Venusaur 3rd Pokemon: Mega Charizard Y 4. After beating him, he will give you the Venusaurite. Pros: Spoiler - Great bulk and special attack. - Thick fat ability removes 2 weaknesses. - Immune to Spore, Leech Seed and Toxic, which are common status moves on most teams. - Has a recovery move. Cons: Spoiler - Needs to gain momentum to mega evolve, since you want the thick fat ability, and don't want to be hit by ice and fire moves without mega evolution. - Limited recovery, and that is Synthesis, which has only 8 PP. - Weak to flying and psychic moves. Best Sets: Spoiler Offensive Set: Venusaur @ Venusaurite Ability: Chlorophyll EVs: 200 Spe/ 56 HP/ 252 Spatk Timid/Modest Nature - Giga Drain - Sludge Bomb - Hidden Power Fire - Synthesis Defensive Set: Venusaur @ Venusaurite Ability: Chlorophyll EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def (If Bold)/ 252 Spdef (If Calm)/ 6 Spe Calm/Bold Nature - Giga Drain - Sludge Bomb - Synthesis - Hidden Power Fire Is the original form still usable? Spoiler Yes, Non-mega Venusaur can be used as a chlorophyll sweeper. Conclusion: Spoiler Mega Venusaur is such a good tank thanks to its typing, as it not only blesses it with a Toxic immunity but also grants it resistances to Fighting-, Water-, Electric-, Grass-, and Fairy-type moves, and Thick Fat rids it of its Fire and Ice weaknesses. This, combined with its respectable 80 / 123 / 120 bulk, lets it easily wall some big names in the metagame, including Keldeo, Azumarill, Weavile, and Landorus. Its movepool is also good, with useful tools like Knock Off, Synthesis, Sleep Powder, and Leech Seed, as well as more offensive options like Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Hidden Power Fire, and Earthquake to avoid being too passive. Sadly, Mega Venusaur has plenty of flaws keeping it at bay. Much like most other Mega Evolutions, Venusaur needs to find the opportunity to Mega Evolve, but this weighs especially against Mega Venusaur due to its multiple weaknesses and lower defenses before Mega Evolving. Even after Mega Evolving, Mega Venusaur still has to deal with its flawed recovery, since Synthesis is drastically nerfed when in the rain or sand and Leech Seed is a slow process, meaning its staying power is limited. It's also relatively weak to status, as burn (can be annoying if you run some phyiscal attacks with it) and paralysis are carried on a wide variety of Pokemon it checks. Finally, its defensive set is very passive. Mega Charizard Y Spoiler How to get the Mega Stone: Spoiler 1. You will need to get a Charmander of your OT which has the right Nature and has decent IVs (91+) in any stats. The Nature is: Timid 2. After catching, you will need to train the Charmander to Level 100 with fully trained evs (510 evs) 3. After training the Charrmander, go back to Oak in his lab and he will battle you, so make sure to prepare. Oaks Team: 1st Pokemon: Venusaur 2nd Pokemon: Charizard 3rd Pokemon: Mega Blastoise 4. After beating him, he will give you the Charizardite Y Pros: Spoiler - Has the ability "Drought" to make Fire-type moves hit hard and it temporarily removes Water weakness - Can wallbreak teams fairly easily with one of the highest Special Attack stats in the tier. - Has good coverage options in Solar Beam and Focus Blast. - Has a recovery move (Roost) Cons: Spoiler - Has a 4x weakness to Stealth Rock, thus 50% health loss upon switching in with stealth rock around. - Lacks a Special Attack-boosting move. - Drought is temporary and will nerf any Water-types on your team. - Easily revenge killed due to its relatively average Speed stat and low defense stat. Best set: Spoiler Charizard @ Charizardite Y Ability: Blaze EVs: 252 SpA / 5 Def / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Fire Blast/Flamethrower - Solar Beam - Focus Blast - Roost Is the original form still usable? Spoiler Yes, you can use Solar Power Charizard with specs or scarf as a Sun Sweeper, but the Mega Form is always better. Conclusion: Spoiler Mega Charizard Y is quite a threat to face in battle. Thanks to Drought, Mega Charizard Y has an intimidating offensive presence, especially when backed by a base 159 Special Attack and Fire Blast; even most Pokemon that resist Fire-type moves will lose large chunks of their health. Drought also has the benefit of reducing the power of Water-type moves, thus temporarily removing its Water weakness and causing Pokemon that would normally threaten Mega Charizard Y, such as Keldeo, Azumarill, and Manaphy, to miss out on would-be OHKOs. Solar Beam and Focus Blast are great coverage moves, threatening the Water- and Rock-types that would threaten Mega Charizard Y, respectively. Mega Charizard Y is not without its faults, though. First, it has a 4x Stealth Rock weakness to constantly worry about, meaning entry hazard removal support is absolutely mandatory. Second, it lacks a move to boost its Special Attack, so if it can't 2HKO a wall that has recovery, it'll get stalled out. And third, Drought is temporary, which means it'll lose its use for Solar Beam, its Fire-type moves will see a noticeable drop in power, and it'll be weak to Water-type moves again after sun runs out. So overall, Mega Charizard Y is an excellent Wallbreaker. Mega Charizard X Spoiler How to get the Mega Stone: Spoiler 1. Go to Cinnabar Island, then go to the Cinnabar Lab then enter Room 3. 2. Talk to Rual, He will ask you to show him a fire type pokemon that knows a flying type move and is at level 60. 3. Then he will ask again to show a Flying type pokemon that knows both a Dragon type, and a Fire type move, This pokemon must also have atleast 60 IVs totaled between Atk, Def, Speed and Spatk. 4. Then, he will ask for a Dragon type Pokemon that is your OT at level 100 with over 25 ivs in either atk or spatk with 252 evs trained in either atk or spatk with both the Dragon Dance move, and any Fire type move. 5. Then Talk to him, and then you will battle with him, after winning, he will give you the Charizardite X. Pros: Spoiler - One of the most powerful Dragon Dance and Swords Dance sweepers. - A great ability, Tough Claws, makes it a very powerful sweeper. - Good typing and coverage - Has a recovery move (Roost) - Immune to burns Cons: Spoiler - A bit risky to mega evolve, since it changes its typing. And thus it changes its weaknesses and resistances. - Weak to stealth rock. Best sets: Spoiler Dragon Dance Set: Charizard @ Charizardite X Ability: Blaze EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly/Adamant Nature - Dragon Dance - Flare Blitz - Dragon Claw - Roost Swords Dance Set: Charizard @ Charizardite X Ability: Blaze EVs: 6 Def / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant/Jolly Nature - Swords Dance - Roost - Flare Blitz - Dragon Claw Is the original form still usable? Spoiler Yes, you can use Solar Power Charizard with specs or scarf as a Sun Sweeper, but the Mega Form is always better. Conclusion: Spoiler Mega Charizard X has so much to offer; nearly perfect neutral coverage in its dual STAB types; setup moves in Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, and Tailwind; recovery in Roost; and an immunity to burns. Its stats are also very good, with base 130 Attack and base 100 Speed to sweep teams after a boost and 78 / 111 / 85 bulk to give it some setup opportunities. While it's true that Mega Evolutions can't hold items, Tough Claws still gives it a huge power boost. So overall, Mega Charizard X is a powerful sweeper Mega Blastoise Spoiler How to get the Mega Stone: Spoiler 1. You will need to get a Squritle of your OT which has the right Nature and has decent IVs (91+) in any stats. The Natures are: Timid, Modest, Bold, or Calm 2. After catching, you will need to train the Squirtle to Level 100 with fully trained evs (510 evs) 3. After training the Squirtle, go back to Oak in his lab and he will battle you, so make sure to prepare. Oaks Team: 1st Pokemon: Charziard 2nd Pokemon: Blastoise 3rd Pokemon: Mega Venusaur 4. After beating him, he will give you the Blastoinisite. Pros: Spoiler - Mega Launcher makes moves like Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, and Water Pulse very powerful. - Mega Launcher Dark Pulse gives it a niche as a spinner that can hit Ghost-types super effectively. - Has well-rounded offenses and defenses. - Has a decent typing. Cons: Spoiler - Lacks Recovery - Lacks Speed Best Sets: Spoiler All-Out Attacker Set: Blastoise @ Blastoisinite Ability: Rain Dish EVs: 56 HP / 252 SpA / 200 Spe Modest Nature - Water Pulse - Dark Pulse - Aura Sphere - Ice Beam/ Dragon Pulse Offensive Spinner Set: Blastoise @ Blastoisinite Ability: Rain Dish EVs: 184 HP / 252 SpA / 72 Spe Modest Nature - Rapid Spin - Water Pulse/Scald - Dark Pulse - Ice Beam/ Dragon Pulse Is the original form still usable? Spoiler Yes, Blastoise can also be used as a Rapid Spinner if you already have a mega in your team. So it's always better to use Mega Blastoise. Conclusion: Spoiler Mega Blastoise is an interesting case, as it seems to have the makings of a truly good spinner. Between its great base 135 Special Attack and rather impressive 79 / 120 / 115 bulk, it's quite clear that it can take a hit and retaliate hard. Sadly, the problem with using it is its complete lack recovery. It can take hits pretty well, but having no form of recovery is a painful sight, especially when looking at those solid defenses. Its vulnerability to burns and Toxic don't help the cause either, and being vulnerable to every hazard is even worse. So overall Mega Blastoise is a good Special Attacker and a Rapid Spinner. Mega Gengar Spoiler How to get the Mega Stone: Spoiler Umbra rewards it after completing the mini-game in the Nightmare Battlefield. This was only available during the 2020 Halloween event and is not currently available. Pros: Spoiler - An overpowered ability: Shadow Tag, which traps the enemy, this makes it a very good sweeper and a Destiny Bond user. - A very nice movepool. - High special attack and speed stat. Cons: Spoiler - Low HP and Defense stat. - Adds one more weakness, from the levitate Gengar. - Banned in Ranked PvP Best Sets: Spoiler Hex Trapper Set: Gengar @ Gengarite Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Hex - Focus Blast/ Sludge Wave - Protect - Will-O-Wisp/ Toxic Offensive Trapper Set: Gengar @ Gengarite Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Destiny Bond - Sludge Wave - Shadow Ball/ Focus Blast - Taunt/ Protect Mega Gyarados Spoiler Sources: Spoiler Mega Pokémon - Pokémon Revolution Online Wiki (prowiki.info) A Guide to Mega Evolution - Smogon University Venusaur | XY | Smogon Strategy Pokedex How to obtain Mega Stones - Quest Walkthroughs - Pokemon Revolution Online Charizard | XY | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Mega Evolutions Megathread: Second Wave! Guide in progress (draft) - Work In Progress - Pokemon Revolution Online Blastoise | XY | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Pros/Cons of (Mega) Alakazam and (Mega) Gengar? - PokéBase Pokémon Answers (pokemondb.net) Gengar | XY | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Edited March 23, 2021 by Leafbolt8 Work In Progress Pokemon Revolution Online IGN: Leafbolt8 Discord ID: yourdog#4342 Pokemon Showdown IGN: Leafbolt8 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/172413-wip-mega-evolution-guide/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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