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Feature Suggestion: the Capability to Vanish Other Players

Guest Planetesimal

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Guest Planetesimal

Hello, I recently started playing PRO (mainly due to the long login times) and, even though I'm only very early in the game, I find the other players way too distracting. I've alreayd turned off Player Names, but still, I have to bump into everyone to see if they're an NPC or a Player, I can'tsee where grass is and where it isn't, and I don't even know where my character is most of the time. I honestly think they should add an option in either the HUD or the Settings, so you can temporarily turn off Players and PvP, so you can just play the game like you used to on the GBA.


What's your thought on this? Please let me now and let's hope that The Team sees this.


Anyway, thanks for reading.

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