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This baby badass looking for a new owner !!
Auction starts:   02-04-2021     22:46 Chile GMT Time.
Auction Ends:    04-04-2021     22:46 Chile GMT Time.
Starting Offers from: $3.000.000.-
Min Raise: 500k
Current Offer : ????????
Current Bidder: =====
Insta Price : NONE 
Payment Methods:
* CC = 400k
* Angel Wings 500k
* Akatsuki Robe 500k
* 250 PVE Item 500k
* 500 PVE ITEM 1.2m
* MasterBalls 30k
* RareCandys 6k each
* IV RR 600k
* Nature RR 300k
* Shinny mounts 280k
* Not shinny mounts 150k
* Xmas and special mounts 350k
* BMS  140k
* MS15 160k
* MS30 320k
* MS60 600k
* And Ofcourse Pokedollars.-

On any bid will be posted the time left. Let the auction begin




Edited by ONLY31ivs
Wrong s.o
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