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Today I reach the 1000 hours of playtime



To celebrate this I am offering to the 3 first bidders the pokemon(s) of their choice available in any shop in SILVER server on forum

You can choose several to reach the value. I buy MYSELF and deliver them to you

- 1st : Max value of poke = 500k (+20% if in my shop)

- 2nd : Max value of poke = 250k (+20% if in my shop)

- 3rd : Max value of poke = 125k (+20% if in my shop)

- All other bidders can choose any of the event poke in my shop with a max value of 50k

To avoid any flood, and only have bid here I'll pm myself the players/winners of the giveaway.


Now the pokemon being auctionned :



Current offer : 90k by Takanomiyo

Bid min : 20k

No insta

Only Pokedollar

Auction ends : 20.00 GMT+2 (more or less 8 hours of auction starting now)


Good luck everyone and have fun on PRO


PS : To mods, I hope this kind of auction isn't forbidden, I read again the Trade rules and didn't find anything against this. If it is, I am sincerely sorry and will correct


Edited by Sbyz


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7 minutes ago, MartiNG said:

70k from me

Thx you for bidding, I pmed you for the gift 

GL for the auction


6 minutes ago, Takanomiyo said:


Thx you for bidding, I pmed you for the gift

GL for the auction


From now, all the other bidders can choose any of the event poke in my shop with a max value of 50k, I'll deliver for free

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