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Hello there, 


Can u please help me trading back my pokemon? I accidentally trade it to someone due to i need to transfer it to my second account to fight bosses then i ask for help then trade it to him and didn't notice that he hasnt finished all region. Hope you can help me. Thanks! 


By the way i trade some of my pokes to my othet but there are 3 pokes left which areScreenshot_2021-04-16-01-06-00-166_com.PROTeam.PROClient.png.3f7b7a92816283e5c2b42d97c836f724.png klefki. conkeldur and whimsicoot. 

Edited by Ash696
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Hello @Ash696,


Apologies for the delay in the reply. Do you have a screenshot of the conversation that includes the purpose of this trade? In case you don't, can you have Iezeeo confirm it please? Either by himself posting here or try to reach out to him and screenshot that he agrees with what you're stating - that he was meant to trade the Pokemon to another account of yours.


Looking forward to your reply.


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Hi Eon,


Thank you for your response and no worries!


He(lezeeo) already gave my pokemon back a few days ago. I also apologize for the late reply. My issue is already solved i just waited him to finish all regions to be able to trade it back. Many thanks! 





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