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Looking to make a Steel monotype team


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Hello guys,


After thinking for a while, i want to start a new run (including MS and XP Boost) and make a Steel monotype team. Looking at the Pokedex and Miles' Spawn Guide, i am still not convinced if i can pull this one off, and therefore, i am making this thread.


Currently, i know that these two pokemon can get into my list very quickly:


- Forretress (Pineco from MS)

- Bronzong (Bronzor in MT. Moon)


I would like to ask you to give me some feedback onto the idea or add something to the team. I would prefer to play on the Blue Server due to queue times.





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ferrothorn and scizor are also viable options for your team


since you already have an entry hazard poke with forre, i dont think there is any need for steelix imo.

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pineco isnt MS btw.


pineco can be found in a lot of the headbutt trees, so just a bit of luck is needed.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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