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  • Jtofty changed the title to 31/29 + high iv meditite CLOSED

I understand what happened, I confess that it is subversive on your part to publish an auction and then sell it by other means without communicating it to the trading area or closing the post, you have to abide by the trading rules among other regulations, even if they are coercive with certain interests, I do not care for now but please be more perceptive with the people and with your decisions for the next one,


good bye and take care

@JTofty You have been punished for rejecting the starting offer. At this moment you own this Meditite (ID: 46486113) - it wasn't sold - so there is no reason for this auction to be closed. If you want to abort an auction, mention it before it starts.

Both your threads have been merged since you can only have one active thread in each sub-forum. "Closed" was removed from your title, please adjust it to the fact that you are now selling these 2 Meditites.


@Castlandt The auction for the Meditite (ID: 46486113) has started with your bid. It will end 24 hours after it. Apologies for the inconvenience.


The outcome of the auctions will be forced if the auctioneer is Trade banned at the time they end. Good luck.


  • Eon changed the title to 31/29 + high iv meditite
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