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As the breezy crystal shards have four different colors, my susgetions about this itens are:

1. Turn them tradable with other players.


2. Turn all of them tradable for easter tokens, with a difference of five Easter Tokens for each color.

    Example: Blue gives 10;  Green, 15; Red, 20; and Rose 25 Easter Tokens.


3. Turn them recyclabes.


I'm suggesting this ideas cuz atm only the roses are tradables for the tokens with the event npc Hammond; and the others, as we collect, they only increase, without any more uitilities, besides using them for Diancie's easter skin, but if we are satisfied with the skin that we already choose, the blue, green, and red breezy crystals shards will become unusable. Other reason of the sugestions is due to the digs being loccked, disabled, then would help if you add a possibility of the exchanging the other breezy crystal shards for,  example, rarie candies.


Since yet, thx!




Edited by RafArnaldi
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