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Stats stats stats everywhere. Not originals? How they work?



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Okay, since ive never noticed that ivs or evs exists, thats new for me on PRO.


Now, ive looking info about on wikis, fanpages about pokemon etc etc.. My surprise was, PRO have modified stats of pokes too?


Heres an example about an abra ive found and info about it from bulbapedia:


90c11a8b08a7df62b99619940c404d8c.png 4ffaabe7926e00ca7c6db20ea0ab0c72.png


Looking on stats you can see it tells you Abra have 310 base stats in total, mine have 122 at lvl 15 (14+14+32+36+26). Now you going to say "Eh, dont forget the nature and ivs!" and i tell you, nature doesnt delete stats and if you count ivs, stats then are lesser if you take off the ivs quantity from the base stats, my abra have around 40 BASE STATS?! It already have less then a original level 1, even at lvl 15, so what now?


I cant understand a sht... Rly, very lost and i want to know what im playing.

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Well base stats are what goes into the stat total. At level 15 you do not have the base stats. If you look at the range on the left you see that depending on nature and ivs that it can sway. If you use a simulator like pokemon showdown you'll see that at the proper level and iv's ev's that your pokemon will have the correct stats within pro. Remember base stats are just part of the calculation, not the actual stats.

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To help you out a bit more, like Einstein said, base stats are a rough calculation and can go either way depending on Nature, EVs, and IVs. IVs are the individual values that a Pokemon randomly has and are always random. You can't judge a Pokemon's base stats of a randomly assorted numbers. Base stats have little correlation to IVs

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123973 https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Statistic


Specifically, https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c1/OtherStatCalcGen34.png


So for your abra, you are getting 6 attack from base stats, 3 from IV and 5 from the 5 that every stat gets innately.


That was delicious. That math is hard for me lol. So every abra is going to get different stats at same level is not just "those white stats doesnt matter they are always same"?


I didnt did the correct question meh cant explain better

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