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 500k bid start min raise 50kbisharp.PNG.708f488668014b4ec67bc03c4a4230b8.PNG 

/500k bid start min raise 50k Haxorus.PNG.afef3a51aa538e3818e4e667f09bb966.PNG

/500k bid start min raise 50k50398452_Dragoniteouzabi.png.4273e8625db8d496f0c721b21cf11b14.png  b.o Master0fPuppets started with 500k

/600k bid start min raise 50k251190628_Haxorusouzabi.PNG.9957efbdc799d8728501a4aeab019e4f.PNG

/300k bid start min raise 25k hydreigon.PNG.21b783c4127f0b6d37bae9ed2ccba57d.PNG 

/200k bid start min raise 25k 497324318_Magnezoneouzabi.png.86cb62d80332e3832e4d8d2095f397c4.png

/400k bid start min raise 25k  1405914009_Salamanceouzabi.PNG.0f45c440a2649a9d57ee2f1e1ef071b2.PNG

 /200k bid start min raise 25k1206918362_Scizorouzabi.PNG.cac92d9e186ec2e6deb468e030c777d5.PNG

/200k bid start min raise 25k Lopunny.PNG.99fa8d4beb35d2fa564385712fcf5f0a.PNG



24 hours until now bid time started. If you wanna trade you can pm me Anxhar have a nice day 🙂



Edited by anxhar
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Greeting @anxhar,


There are a few issues with your topic.


- Your topic has been moved in the Shop Section since it contains more than 5 pokemons:


Pokemon Shops. 

- Use this forum when selling 6 or more non-variant Pokemon. 


- Since you are doing auctions, you are not allowed to consider the offer made by "Master0fPuppets" without a proper evidence of his offer. If you received an offer from him in game, please post an evidence of it in your topic and after that your auction will start.


All bids must be acknowledged, and all current/best offers must be publicly announced with the bidder's username and bid amount.

- In-game: This applies to every trade post related to the auction. Evidence of all bids received must be made and kept, to be made available upon Staff request. Timestamps are preferred.

- Forum: This applies to every in-game bid received, and must be acknowledged in the auction thread with a screenshot. Timestamps are preferred.

 This does not apply to bids received on the forum.

 Bids made on Discord are not valid or accepted.


- You have to wait 24 hours before being allowed to bump your topic again.


7. Do not excessively bump your posts:

In-game: Must allow a minimum of 5 posts between each post. In-game auctions may be reposted a maximum of once every 1 minute, regardless of the number of posts between. 

Forum: May be bumped a maximum of once every 24 hours, including after the post has been created. 


- Do not advertise your pokemons in 2 differents topics or servers. Keep it only in 1 topic.


Be careful in the future and take a moment to read and familiarise yourself with our Trade Rules. Failing to respect them with lead to further punishments.


Sorry for the inconvenience - Monteria

Edited by Monteria
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