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bug with Truant and moves that make you recharge

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truant is a ability that skips your next turn. useing a move like hyper beam or giga impact makes you have to recharge after use. truant in it description allows the recharge and the skip turn to be on the same turn in my photo it show my turn gets skip twice instead of one time making it were i lose the fight cuz i get hit by two giga drains after getting skip two turns. 


Edited by IdealClover3370
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Hello @IdealClover3370,


It appears that the confusion might be due to Slaking being slower than Tangrowth. This could be because you used a move like Hammer Arm against one of Erika's previous Pokémon.


If Slaking KO'd a Pokémon, it would make sense for Tangrowth to go first before you get a chance to hit it (Turn #1). Based on the battle log, Tangrowth is faster, so it is able to attack Slaking a second time before you hit it with Giga Impact (Turn #2). While Slaking is recharging once again, Tangrowth hits it with another Giga Drain (Turn #3). Finally, Slaking is no longer loafing around, but Tangrowth is faster and makes it faint with an ultimate Giga Drain (Turn #4).


I tried to recreate the same scenario and ended up with this battle log:




I hope that you find this explanation to be satisfactory. If there is any useful information not shown in the screenshot that you posted, please feel free to provide us with a lengthier version.


Have a good day!

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