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Greeting @Sennti,


There were 2 problems on your topic.


Firstly, it was posted on the wrong section. You are selling a Shiny Togepi and the appropriate sub-forum for that is "Shiny and Special Pokemon - Gold". It was moved there.


Shiny & Special Pokemon. 

- Use this forum to sell Shiny & Special Pokemon only. This includes both standard sales and auctions. You may also create your own personalised Shiny / Special Shop here.

 Do not sell non-variant Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here.


You are also not allowed to spam your topics with bumps. On the forum, you are allowed to bump every 24-hours as stated in our Trade Rules.


6. Do not excessively bump your posts:

In-game: Must allow a minimum of 5 posts between each post. In-game auctions may be reposted a maximum of once every 1 minute, regardless of the number of posts between. 

Forum: May be bumped a maximum of once every 24 hours, including after the post has been created. 

Please take a moment to read and familiarise yourself with our Trade Rules to avoid another infraction. Failing to respect them will lead to further punishments.



@CosaNostraIf you encounter an issue on a topic please use the "Report" button positioned under each message instead of commenting on the auction.


Have a nice day - Monteria.

Edited by Monteria
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  • Sennti changed the title to Auction shiny togepi [END.]


I am locking this topic now that it is ended. Please be sure to provide evidence of the trade as well as changing the title in the future. 


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Please don't contact staff via private messages for support issues. Make a report here in the server you play in. View our Trade rules and Auction rules.  Appeals if you are banned and need to appeal. Region lock assistance

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