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127529 Those are some very good speech. Welcome to PRO's community!! Hope to see you somewhere ingame.


Aawh! Thanks Pengin, it truly has been an amazing experience so far. I love the community. Hehe yeah I'd like that as well, I'll definitely keep an eye out for your name when I'm in-game. Thanks again!


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127531 Slayr387


Hey Slayr387, thanks a ton! It's been almost a week now and I honestly am amazed by how lovely, supportive and great the community has been so far. Thank you kindly! I'll also keep an eye out for your name in game hehe


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131915 Welkom in PRO :Smile:


Zal wel Nederlands hier mogen :P


Als je vragen hebt vraag maar of op het forum/IRC/Discord :Grin:


Hey Sceo, aawh! Top, ontzettend bedankt, wat een verschil om een keer iemand te spreken die dezelfde taal spreekt. Het is inderdaad even wennen. Geheid dat ik nog wat van vragen heb! Ik ben regelmatig wel eens in de IRC. Ik zal ook even rondkijken voor dat Discord kanaal dan. Alvast bedankt! Ik waardeer de moeite/inzet enorm!


Fijne dag verder!


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131922 Marascon


Hey Marascon, thanks for the warm welcome! I most certainly will enjoy thanks to you guys!

as i saw above, you should come hang in the official discord #dutch channel sometimes ;)


Yeah I'd definitely love to! I was already browsing the forums for it but couldn't find it, could you please PM me the server invite referral link if you can?


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