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Bug with the quest for legendary birds


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Hi, i am Shopuk in game. I have a little problem. I remember i did the quest to get the legendary birds until taking the silver Wing (bit I didn't have enough Evo/gems to take them). I remember also I went in the Zapdos island to farm blitzle for a wq. But the problem is that now i can't get there. It's says "the water seems impossible to get past". Pls don't tell me i have to do all the quest again 

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Greetings, @SHOPUK.


Do you have a pokemon with the ability Cloud Nine in your team as specified in The Legendary Megathread?

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Yes, and i bringed also one with shadow tag to be sure, but nothing. It looks like I have to do it again, cause when I go to Fire Elder he ask me for a battle with full team fire, but I already did all the quest till talking to Lugia and taking the silver wings.

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Greetings, @SHOPUK

After checking with the rest of our team, we have not found any progress in the Zapdos Quest in your account. You may also be confusing Galeras Island with Zapdos' Quest Island, as the Zapdos Island has no land spawns. Could you read the linked thread above and go bit by bit repeating the Quest steps?

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Yeah, for blitze I confused. But I am sure I did the quest as soon it went out as event. I am sure I took the silver wing. I am sure also because after I went catching elekid 100+iv. There is no problem to do it again, the only problem is going catching elekid again, cause the one I showed before doesn't count as I will do the quest again.

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