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for auction shiny kadabra, starting price 800k, 4m instant buy, accepted IV reroll = 700k coin capsule =350k 3 days after bid pm here or in game cyver37

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Hello @Cyver37,

You need to correct this auction. You need to put all the details of start price minimum bid and accepted tender in the post with your Kadabra. Also I have now moved it to the correct section for you of Selling shiny pokemon. Please correct the rest of the post asap.




Please don't contact staff via private messages for support issues. Make a report here in the server you play in. View our Trade rules and Auction rules.  Appeals if you are banned and need to appeal. Region lock assistance

  • Cyver37 changed the title to for auction shiny kadabra, starting price 800k, 4m instant buy, accepted IV reroll = 700k coin capsule =350k 3 days after bid pm here or in game cyver37


You are only changing your title you need to apply it to your post with the kadabra picture. I am locking this thread you can repost your thread appropriately in the proper subforum while following the template. These must all be in the post with the pokemon. 

Start price: 
Min bid: 
Insta: If you wish
Accepted tender: 




Please don't contact staff via private messages for support issues. Make a report here in the server you play in. View our Trade rules and Auction rules.  Appeals if you are banned and need to appeal. Region lock assistance

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