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@2706396 Your comment has been deleted due to it being off-topic. Please do not post on trade threads unless you're interested in bidding/trading and your message shows clear intention of which.


@Ronke Your post has also been deleted as you do not have the means to honour your bid. Besides, edited bids will not be acceptable if a prior has been placed. If you intend to trade with a different account from the one you're posting, you must mentioned it. Referring to the Auction Rules:




Repeated will warrant action for False Offering. Please keep this in mind in the future.


@QuackGamer Since you're selling a Special (Event or Variant) Pokemon, your thread has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum: Shiny and Special Pokemon. The normal selling sub-forum is only for regular Pokemon. You can check in the Trade Rules the Types of Trade Forums where it's explained what should be traded where.


To be clear, the current best offer is 1.1m by @PoKeMonGAMER123. Good luck to every party involved.

Edited by Eon


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