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✨ Honey ✨ is now recruiting! [BLUE SERVER]


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fRPFP74.png Use your common sense! Don't be rude or bashful towards another individual in the guild. That's so un cool!

fRPFP74.png Be nice! We're all giving and generous, if you see anyone in need of help, guide them! :Angel:

fRPFP74.png If you're going to be on discord, please wear headphones as echo may occur using external speakers! Don't spam!

fRPFP74.png No one committing fraudulent activities in game will be tolerated.

fRPFP74.png Respect PRO's ToS!







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IN GAME NAME: Fazzymaff


BADGES: 11 Badges

ABOUT YOURSELF: Im a 31 old dutch veteran in gaming ;) i work 5 days in the week as an IT Network Engineer

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? Psyduck "Psyyyyyyy Psyyyyyy"

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Howdy everyone!

To be completely honest, I didn't want to use the forum until they fixed the avatar thingy :P, anyways...


HOURS PLAYED: 81hrs so far

BADGES: 8, just finished Kanto's gyms.

ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm a 23 year old Chilean university student, got to know this amazing game a few weeks ago but couldn't really play until Blue server started and got me pretty hooked up.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? If I had to choose it'd have to be Murkrow, so kewl :Cool:


See ya ingame! :Smile:


edit: Well, after a week no response, still gonna edit the following info:

Now 134hrs gameplay; 16 badges obtained.

What you reading this for?

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IN GAME NAME: Bromeister


HOURS PLAYED: 71 hours currently


BADGES: 8 Kanto and 2 Johto


ABOUT YOURSELF: Andrew Ulrich is my name and I'm 27 years old, straight and married to my PIC (partner in crime). Currently studying Safety and Health at Central Washington University in Washington State and going on my last year of playing football here (offensive line because I'm 6'8'' and 300lbs). I've been playing Pokemon since Red/Blue first released in US and haven't stopped.


WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? This is a rigged question.... BUT there is nothing more satisfying to me than sword dancing, and spamming Bullet Punch on a Scizor, who is holding a Metronome item and built for max attack IV/EV.

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HOURS PLAYED: 50 hours. I know it's not a lot, as I just started the game a few days ago. ><

BADGES: All 8 Kanto badges. Currently getting champion.

ABOUT YOURSELF: My name is Michael, but most people call me Mike. I am twenty-two years old, and beginning in the fall I will be attending college for a degree in game design. My favorite color is royal blue, and my favorite combination of colors is blue and orange. (Who would have guessed, right?) Anyway, I've been playing pokemon ever since I picked up yellow version, and while I did play red/blue after I beat yellow, I must admit that I was not fortunate to start my pokemon journey until yellow's release. My other hobbies include playing tennis, magic the gathering, and performing magic both close up and on stage. Apart from that, I pretty much have no life until this fall, so I gotta play this as long as I can before I'm out of time! :D And I suppose to finish things off, I'll simply say that I'm looking forward to meeting and befriending all of you.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? Why is this part in red, you ask? Because my favorite pokemon is Blaziken of course! Yeah, hush up about infernape being better, Blaziken is #1 in my book. >.> Of course, I suppose #0 on the pokedex can be debated to be better than #1, but MissingNo. is a story for a different day.

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IN GAME NAME:Dominus21

HOURS PLAYED:i believe im at 47 or higher now


ABOUT YOURSELF:25 work in a factory 2nd shift, so usual times for me playing are 12am-6/7am est during the week and most of the day on the weekends

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON?Gengar cause that was my first traded evolution i ever got in gen1

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HOURS PLAYED:54 roughly

BADGES:16 Currently on johto e4

ABOUT YOURSELF:I'm a professional chef but gamed all my life

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? krokorok :) or mew it's too close to call

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ABOUT YOURSELF: Well i'm a 24 years old guy from germany which started pokemon with the first generation and still get all the new games :) i may not have enough experience at PRO but i have a huge knowledge about the competetive Pokemon scene. Thats the main reason why i try to get recruited :P

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? That's a really tough question for me...

but when i have to choose i mostly say Charziard bec it was the very first Pokemon i trained myself up to lvl 100 at Pokemon Red (i just needed around 50 E4 runs bac in the days xD)


Some last words: I know that i dont fit the reqs atm, but im a passionate Pokemon player and always heading for the top. I hope you guys give me a chance :)



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IN GAME NAME: Aceuuuuuuu


HOURS PLAYED: 73 hours and counting


BADGES: 16, I'm currently training for the johto e4


ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm 20 years old, currently in university in Australia and using PRO to procrastinate. I was a huge pokemon lover when I was younger and I recently saw this game and it has re-ignited my love for pokemon.


WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE POKEMON?: Hm, that is a hard question but I would have to stay Starmie because I loved the way it looked in pokemon blue/red and have loved it ever since.

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