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Server crash and money has been lost


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PRO Username: ThePoodove

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I was fighting koga in the johto e4


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

i mean theres nothing really i can do


Description and Message

I was fighting koga in the johto e4 and the server went out and i lost the revives and lemonade in the battle worth 30k than i logged back on went to fight him again and lost 7k more in revives and lemonades cause the server went down again also yes i have an active membership i messed up when putting the info in

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Apologize us for what happen in your account, but we do not give refund due crashes.

I would like to suggest you to train more pokemon instead spending money on revives and lemonade.

My recommendation is to get any alakazam and a magnemite with thunderwave and sturdy in case leader's venomoth outspeed your alakazam.

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Listen i spent my personal time grinding that money and it took hours just for me to lose said money to your server crashing which keep in mind i had no control over said crash and u want me to go spend even more time out of my day to get more money well i'm sorry but it's not happening have a nice day and try to have your staff in game be nicer will ya

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we dont give refunds. Theres a warning right on the homepage to expect crashes at any moment and that we don't refund playtime losses.


This game is in beta. If you can't understand that then you've come to the wrong place.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Revives not that necessary if you know the strategy, tho you have to bring some just in case.

personal experience, i used 2 revives on johto e4 and some elixirs. my team consist parasect, absol, gengar, and gyarados, 2 other party are for dummy pokes. parasect for spore and switch to absol for sword dance and sucker punch or gyarados dragon dance, they deal 1 hit ko.


there are many way to defeat e4 beside mine, find one that suit your build.

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