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So.. i pick my starter, go to my home and pickup the potions and pokeballs, and then i tried to leave town but the game makse me look at an eevee and then i have to fight jackson. i battle jackson, i won, lvled up, but got disconnected right after that. when i log back in, it placed me inside my house, with my starter still lvl 5 as if i havent fight jackson. when i tried to leave town the chat prompts "whats with the eevee" but jackson's eevee is nowhere to be found coz maybe the game read that i already fought jackson. now i cant progress the game any further.. and this is only like my first 5 minutes of the game.


i kn simply making a new account can easily fix this for me, but i just want to pint out theres a bug like this in this game.


thanks in advance

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@Azura Let me know what will be the next time we'll be online so that we can solve this issue.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

okay after trying so hard to log in, i finally logged in, still stuck, try to PM evil but he disabled his PM, asking for help multiple times in the chat but no one replied..


i guess ill just make a new account then? im okay with it since im just starting anyway..

but still, an easier system to ask for staff's help in-game in the future should be considered, since the 'all' chat is too crowded and the only way tp\o get attention is to spam (which i dont want to do), and the staffs turn off their PM.. just a suggestion

The Script has been amended and this should no longer be an issue. Let me know if you experience any further problem in Platter Town.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

The Script has been amended and this should no longer be an issue. Let me know if you experience any further problem in Platter Town.


still have the same problem.. every time i tried to leave town i got a message "whats with the eevee" but still jackson's eevee is nowhere to be found coz i fought him earlier before i got disconnected and probably get a roll back.


and, apparently making a new account doesn't solve anything for me.. my new account could never got in the server. it always said that the server is full, but oddly enough i always success loggin in with my old stuck character. is it because my old character played in before in the testing phase so it got higher priority?


seriously tho.. u guys should make a help channel or something.. asking for help multiple times in the all chat, and no one replies.. since it will be gone in 2 seconds.


so yeah 2 days gone and still can't get out of the first town, no help whatsoever

The Script has been amended and this should no longer be an issue. Let me know if you experience any further problem in Platter Town.


still have the same problem.. every time i tried to leave town i got a message "whats with the eevee" but still jackson's eevee is nowhere to be found coz i fought him earlier before i got disconnected and probably get a roll back.


and, apparently making a new account doesn't solve anything for me.. my new account could never got in the server. it always said that the server is full, but oddly enough i always success loggin in with my old stuck character. is it because my old character played in before in the testing phase so it got higher priority?


seriously tho.. u guys should make a help channel or something.. asking for help multiple times in the all chat, and no one replies.. since it will be gone in 2 seconds.


so yeah 2 days gone and still can't get out of the first town, no help whatsoever


You gave a great tip!! Yes, we need a Help Channel (URGENT). I was having the same problem as you, but not in the start of the game... And was a little hard to contact one of the staff members in game xD (my lucky was one friend saw a GM and tell him to talk to me)

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