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my doubts



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how is dragonite having wings cannot to avoid grounds moves like earthquake, logically it only have to fly and avoid it.


in the anime surf is only use to swim in the water.


i believe that HMs should have others uses, and not use how a attacks move, but a classifications appart like the abilities, and each pokemons be abble to use a HM in a battle or out the battle. for example:

  • CUT: out the battle its use is only to cut small trees.

FLY: in the battle its use is only to avoid ground moves.

SURF: in the battle to ups the speed in the lakes, river and seas to the pokemon that knows it. out the battle its use is to swim in the water

  • STRENGHT: out the battle its use is only to move rocks.

  • FLASH: it should be substitute by a bulb or lamps to iluminate caves.


anothers things is that the powder moves shouldnt to affect the grass pokemons.


and depending the area the pokemons can be to up the speed.

in a grass or forest grass pokemon can to up the speed.

in the mountain or rock camp(like brock gym) pokemon rock can to up the speed

in the seas, water pokemon can to up the speed.

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Dragonite is flying - dragon and wont affected by earthquake unless it did Roost on that turn.


I am not sure what you wanted to tell us but one thing i could tell you is "[glow=white]It is not how game logic works.[/glow]"

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