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  • R1n changed the title to Level 95 Bold Rotom Full EV Trained

Per forum rules, titles to threads must be 100% accurate when describing your pokemon. Yours was not accurate due to the fact 5 levels are missing. Going forward you must be fully honest in your title.

I have changed the title of the thread to an appropriate title. Please avoid doing this again.


Happy Holidays,



Untitled (2).png

As stated by your auction details, it has been more than 24 hours since the initial bid so this auction should be closed. I believe this is by mistake.

I reveiwed the the edit history and it appears you have been changing the time with edits. This causes confusion to bidders. Please leave a message stating "two days after first bid" and use a timer or countdown app to track time.

Happy Holidays,


Edited by R1n

Untitled (2).png

  • Partha69 changed the title to Sold plz close
  • R1n locked this topic
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