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Hi sir/madam
I have a problem. I got stuck there when I did xmas quest with my friends but they didn't help me get out of here so I got stuck I don't have an escape rope and npc or pokemon to log out. All leave quests and I'm stuck there can't log out
Thank you for your help


Edited by kimtan20082002
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Hello @kimtan20082002


You can see wild pokemons around you. Talk to them and they will start fighting to you, then log out and log in again, you will at a checkpoint after login. 


There will be an NPC names Exit Guide,  talk to him and he will let you exit. 


Hope this solve your problem, 


I'm waiting forward to your reply. 







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Hello princekashyap,

I sorry because be impolite before . I am friend of kimtan20082002  . He just a newbie in this game. I know he broblem , he run out of rope and he stuck in map . The clounds make him cant contact with wild pokemon so he cant come out. He need to click 2 orange switch to get out and talk to wild poke. But no one in his team before help him . Can u log in his account and go some where.

Thank you for help

Have a nice day 



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5 hours ago, kimtan20082002 said:
Hi sir/madam
I have a problem. I got stuck there when I did xmas quest with my friends but they didn't help me get out of here so I got stuck I don't have an escape rope and npc or pokemon to log out. All leave quests and I'm stuck there can't log out
Thank you for your help



Hi, @kimtan20082002


Please do not make multiple threads with the same issue.

Note that you are allowed to bump your thread every 24hrs.

This would let us informed that your thread is still active and in-need of help.


I'll now be closing this thread.

As your other thread being already answered.


Have a nice day.

Kind regards, HappyMango.

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