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<r><QUOTE author="frostraven"><s>

</s><POST content="132347"><s></s>132347<e></e></POST> am98uw<br/>




Just add printscr dot com to them and you should be able to see the screensnaps.<br/>

You can add me in-game or post offers here. I reserve the right to decline your offer if I find it too little. Thanks!<e>




printscr.com is not a valid address. The address you wanted people to go to is prnt.sc <br/>


Here are your pictures:<br/>


[align=center]<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/FWQZSA3.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]<br/>

am9908 is not a Flygon but a Gengar so that number is wrong.<br/>


Just helping you out on getting your image onto the sell thread. For future instances I recommend using photobucket.com or imgur.com to upload your photos as they will give you a BBCode for direct copy and past to the forums.<br/>


Best of luck on selling your Flygon.</r>

132347 am98uw




Just add printscr dot com to them and you should be able to see the screensnaps.

You can add me in-game or post offers here. I reserve the right to decline your offer if I find it too little. Thanks!



printscr.com is not a valid address. The address you wanted people to go to is prnt.sc


Here are your pictures:


am9908 is not a Flygon but a Gengar so that number is wrong.


Just helping you out on getting your image onto the sell thread. For future instances I recommend using photobucket.com or imgur.com to upload your photos as they will give you a BBCode for direct copy and past to the forums.


Best of luck on selling your Flygon.



Thank you Spacemuffin! Yeah the post would've been better if I was able to post links, but because I'm new to the forums, it's not allowing me to post any links so I guess I have to start posting around first. Cheers :)



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