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I agree Purple, with everything you've said.. Troll faces are just so unprofessional, me being a game designer myself and opening my own games company in the near future, I would sack my staff for being so childish and would never under any circumstances hire a person under the age of 18 (no disrespect intended). If you're going to create an online video game, then obviously you have an impressive cv (resume), possibly a degree in games design/programming like me, so your staff should ALL have equivalent qualifications right...? And have a professional attitude. You think the staff of WOW or anything like that would get away with stuff like this..? Nope, sacked on the spot.


People abuse power, especially the younger generation. (Again, no disrespect, I know there are plenty of younger people that are mature).


The guys have obviosuly put a hell of a lot of work into this game, and fantastically so! I'd hate for this game to lose fans because of unprofessional behaviour as the game has so much potential to be THEE number 1 Pokemon MMO ever.. I've played a lot of Poke MMO's the past few years and nothing has come close to this one, so keep up the good work, leave the unprofessional behaviour out of it.


Thanks for reading!




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then obviously you have an impressive cv (resume), possibly a degree in games design/programming like me, so your staff should ALL have equivalent qualifications right...?


I have no such qualifications yet i am responsible for a major part of the tile system, quite a few of the scripts and an occssional map or 2.


What i am trying to say basically is that you dont have to be qualified to learn and be picked based on what you can do.


Right, back on topic;


The whole troll facrs thing i completely agree with, it was acced back in testing as something to mess around with the testerbase, stresstest server packets etc. These will most likely soon be removed anyway. You have to remember we have been in Live beta for all of 2 days and are currently waiting for our server hardware to be ready so we can shovel more players onto our game :)


The staff showing pokemon thing however, I myself along with other members have been guilty of this. Again its down to us having to change mentality and be a little more serious and professional with these things. Also (usually in my case) to showcase future functionality, such as megas.


I have spoken to the other guys and we will be more front facing and professional in the future.


Thanks for your time


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