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Selling 4x23+IV PVPable Shiny Magneton with magnet pull

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Hello there,


@Poopsmagoops In this auction you have broken some of our Auction Rules.



13. Accepted Payments may be offered as an additional or alternative form of payment to pokedollars. These must:

- Be specified by the seller.

- Be an item, and its value in pokedollars must be clearly specified by the seller.

 e.g. "1x Coin Capsule = 400K, 1x Reroll Ticket = 800K".

 Pokemon cannot be offered as an Accepted Payment.




Accept pokedollar, 380k cc, nature rr 380k, 680k iv rr ticket

Will start with how you added different payment methods, in the middle of the auction. This hasn't really impacted the final outcome, but nevertheless, keep in mind this rule for future auctions.



9. End point is final and must be honoured.

   - Forum: If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by    15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end.

Also you didn't respect the 15min rule, and this infraction was more severe since you stopped a bid war, therefore you selling the pokemon severely changed the final outcome.


Based on this you will issued with a punishment, if you haven't, I advise you to read Auction Rules.


Have a nice one,





Please do not contact staff members for private support.

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