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[glow=red]Hello there,


For the past 3 months I've been working on graphically redesigning and recreating Pokemon to create a MMORPG I envisioned would take the MMO world by storm and that would be done with help of the pro team, if they choose to support it. To explain it all let me start by saying I'm sure many of you have played pokemon x and y (3DS 3D version) and loved the gameplay, now the whole new concept here would be the slight change in the pokemon battles and the induction of a pokken tournament style fighting with 6 vs 6 team fighting instead of 1 vs 1, when fighting wild Pokemon or other trainers. Instead of turn by turn combat you'd be able to control your Pokemons movement, abilities and attacks in an action packed adventure, while keeping the tradition pokemon way of gameplay. I've already made out 734 Pokemon and I am hoping with this post to get the attention of the pro team and the player base to try and urge this idea to life and hear opinions about the whole subject. I hope one day to see Pokemon Pro become like that and If they ever will or even consider taking up a project like this I will support them to the fullest of my power.[/glow]


To be or not be that is the question





ShadowRanger|Silverpokelogoprofile.jpg Server|PseudoCode

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137827 Not to beat around the bush, wouldn't it be better that you actually show us the work that you have done while stating that.


Not to be rude at all, just it would be better to see what progress you have done to give your project a chance of success.


Oh its alright,

I neglected to. well here's a long time favourite of mine and alot of you too. if you guys have any more requests I can post em up to you asap but keep in mind this all the work of Nintendo not me, I am merely ripping them in a minor breach of copyright law :devil:


To be or not be that is the question





ShadowRanger|Silverpokelogoprofile.jpg Server|PseudoCode

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