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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening


Whilst playing the game I see often that a few "cc" players (don't really know what that stands for, just know they're important people) are telling people to take the "rate my Pokemon" from the help tab over to battle even though battle tab is empty or near enough to make no difference. I just wanted to make this post to see if anyone agreed with them, I know that the cc are doing simply as they have been told and in no way is this a dig at them or the rules but I see the rating as a way for players especially new to the game to see if the Pokemon's nature and/or IV's make it worth keeping.


Many thanks.

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137847 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening


Whilst playing the game I see often that a few "cc" players (don't really know what that stands for, just know they're important people) are telling people to take the "rate my Pokemon" from the help tab over to battle even though battle tab is empty or near enough to make no difference. I just wanted to make this post to see if anyone agreed with them, I know that the cc are doing simply as they have been told and in no way is this a dig at them or the rules but I see the rating as a way for players especially new to the game to see if the Pokemon's nature and/or IV's make it worth keeping.


Many thanks.

The possible solutions are:

1. Rename the empty "Battle" chat in "Rating" chat or

2. Create a calculation system that auto-calculate a rate for your pokemon basing itself on IVs, nature and ability and shows the final vote in the pokemon card (I'd really like it, but I see it almost impossible to happen even because the different natures are useful for the different builds a pokemon can have) in order to completely avoid the requests or rating.

From 2015: I'm still here

137847 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening


Whilst playing the game I see often that a few "cc" players (don't really know what that stands for, just know they're important people) are telling people to take the "rate my Pokemon" from the help tab over to battle even though battle tab is empty or near enough to make no difference. I just wanted to make this post to see if anyone agreed with them, I know that the cc are doing simply as they have been told and in no way is this a dig at them or the rules but I see the rating as a way for players especially new to the game to see if the Pokemon's nature and/or IV's make it worth keeping.


Many thanks.


Hi, the reason for move rating to battle chat is help chat using for help people in story process, while Battle chat using for PvP and some people (played PvP) can assist you in that chat. For discussion about IV or nature, you can also go for All chat too :Grin: Hope it clear to you

Well we direct these to battle since battle was a diminishing chat and it is the best place to do it with the theme of each chat. To successfully do this however, and have it functional we need everyone to do it in the same place so that it is orderly and there are enough people in that place that will rate. The problem we face is people who want rates do not contribute back into the rating since they just want to be told what to use, and I don't think that just simply answering over and over again in a help chat and not giving the people asking any insight so that they can learn themselves at some point is a good idea. So that is why we want them in one place of discussion on that topic specifically so that not only can people get some assistance but so that they can learn to do this themselves over time.

137847 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening


Whilst playing the game I see often that a few "cc" players (don't really know what that stands for, just know they're important people) are telling people to take the "rate my Pokemon" from the help tab over to battle even though battle tab is empty or near enough to make no difference. I just wanted to make this post to see if anyone agreed with them, I know that the cc are doing simply as they have been told and in no way is this a dig at them or the rules but I see the rating as a way for players especially new to the game to see if the Pokemon's nature and/or IV's make it worth keeping.


Many thanks.

The possible solutions are:

1. Rename the empty "Battle" chat in "Rating" chat or

2. Create a calculation system that auto-calculate a rate for your pokemon basing itself on IVs, nature and ability and shows the final vote in the pokemon card (I'd really like it, but I see it almost impossible to happen even because the different natures are useful for the different builds a pokemon can have) in order to completely avoid the requests or rating.


I dont know about blue, but on red server battle chat isnt empty or dead... Why does everyone feel the need for ppl to rate their pokemon? Ask for a price check if you want, rating is just stupid in my opinion. Some ask for ratings just to show off their poke, others ask rating of pokemon with all ivs less than 15 -_- How hard can it be? you see a poke, ask around for what abilities / natures are best for that poke and you will have a pretty good idea about that poke to rate it yourself. Stop asking to be spoon-fed..

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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