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Fusione las cuentas de blue y red (actuales gold y silver), las cuales quedaron en gold y luego transferí la cuenta a silver, pero no me deja conectar a silver, pero a gold si y en ese servido ya no tengo nada.

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Hey @Agentebudder07,


sorry for the inconvenience.

As far I could interprete the topic's title, I assume you have problems with the merge. Everything you need to know about the merge is mentioned here: Merge FAQ


Here a quote out of that topic regarding your problem:

I'm getting an "Invalid Password" error, what do I do?
If you haven't yet merged your accounts, please do so in your dashboard and it should resolve your issue.
I've already merged both my Red and Blue account but I'm still getting an "Invalid Password" error! What do I do?!
If you have already merged your data for the Silver server and get an "Invalid Password" error when logging in, please go ahead and change your password here, ensuring that it is alphanumerical.



If this couldnt fix your problem, please let it me know.


Kind regards~

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