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Epic umbreon 23+ action 1 hour only


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You have broke some Auction rules. Allow me to explain.


 Since the auction had a 1hour time after first bid, and the start was on 19/11 10:25PM GMT+0  the end point would have been 19/11 11:25PM GMT+0 


First of, we always use the time stamps on forums, and the offer from Syndhara of 200k+1cc is not valid, since was posted at 19/11 11:27PM GMT+0 therefore out of time.


Also, another mistake was, you restarted for some reason the auction? The end time is final, the only delay it might get, is when applying the 15min rule.



I will be forcing the correct outcome of this auction, to the rightful winner: Ardizone with a offer of 400k


Actions I will be taking:

  1. Remove the Umbreon from Syndhara and Move to Ardizone
  2. Remove Ardizone 400k
  3. Added Syndhara 200k + CC (since you didn't have a CC, transfered 350k instead, since has the same value)
  4. Removed 150k from Medu5a (+400k (Ardizone) -200k (reversed trade from Syndhara) -350k (value of CC to give to Syndhara) = -150k)


@Medu5a Please next time, wait for the intervention of the T mod. Report the situation, using the report button below any comment, and wait for us to intervene, never force the trade yourself, if you are not sure who the winner is. 


Please confirm if everything checks out, if not let me know.


Best Regards,



Edited by Zoruami



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