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If you have a Basculin with Rock Head, can you double check that it still has that ability?


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With the most recent client I noticed my Basculin no longer has Rock Head as an ability, but it has changed to Reckless. I am hoping someone else might be sharing this problem, in hopes to prove that it happened to my Basculin. If you are able please take a quick look and see if your Basculin's ability is still Rock Head or not and let me know, thank you very much!

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@UxxelmonA mod confirmed in this thread that Basculin can 100% have Rock Head as an ability.



I am 100% sure my Basculin had Rock Head, as I trained it specifically because it had that ability, and have used it for about 9 months in PvP and in Battle Tower many times.

I'm assuming because of the weird nature of having multiple possibilities for 'Ability 1' (Reckless, Rockhead, and I think even Rattled is possible), with a recent client update, the ability was reset to the 1st possibility of Reckless. That's just my best guess though.

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