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Starting Server


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Please keep in mind that I am in no way good computers so maybe my idea is a little off. But maybe it will help. I just started playing 3-4 days ago, love it! Of course the one thing I see everyone has difficulty with is the waiting to be logged in. I can see where this would be harmful to the game. But its a good problem to have at the same time. I have read that things are in the works and that's really awesome. One thing I would like to suggest is that when you go to log in, Have the Slowest (least amount of people) server be auto selected. I was so into it that first night and did not want to restart on Blue server. I think that would help quiet a bit with NEW people joining the game. Its not a solution, no. But It may help a bit. Thanks for reading!

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140312 Please keep in mind that I am in no way good computers so maybe my idea is a little off. But maybe it will help. I just started playing 3-4 days ago, love it! Of course the one thing I see everyone has difficulty with is the waiting to be logged in. I can see where this would be harmful to the game. But its a good problem to have at the same time. I have read that things are in the works and that's really awesome. One thing I would like to suggest is that when you go to log in, Have the Slowest (least amount of people) server be auto selected. I was so into it that first night and did not want to restart on Blue server. I think that would help quiet a bit with NEW people joining the game. Its not a solution, no. But It may help a bit. Thanks for reading!


Drummer, the servers are not linked, so, for example, people who play on the red server for months are not interested in playing in Blue server for any reason, even if the queue is shorter because the two servers, like all MMORPG, have different save data files.

From 2015: I'm still here

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I think you guys are misunderstanding what Drummer is trying to say. He's not saying that current players should have the red or blue server auto selected based on server population at the time. What I think he was trying to say is that when a new player joins PRO the least popular server should be auto-selected (still able to be changed); this will help to keep the population of both servers the same. It's a very minor thing but I could see it causing more people to start on the blue server over the red server if they don't know much about the game/the different servers.

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Both servers should overwrite data just so to end being identical, as you logoff, all data of your progress is pasted to the other server/s, this way you would be able to cost efficiently replicate server's capaficy into smaller units.


So if there are 1800/1800 playing on red with a queue of 1220 ( an easy waiting hour ) and 100-200/1800 on blue, this would turn into 900-1000 on each server with 800 spare room load on each, extensible as population grows, meaning the extermination of queue times, resulting in a vast mayority increase of long term players.


But you have probably considered all of this, or is not finnantially creditable.


Looking forward to improve.

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