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Bringing the Squad.

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Hello frens :]. Like many of you, I'm new to this game. I actually saw mufasaprime streaming it on twitch on Friday before I went to sleep and grew curious. It reminded me of the good ol' days when I would play Pokemon Crater before they took it offline...anyways, long story short - woke up Saturday, ran some errands, came home, made an account, waited in queue, logged on. Now it's 2 days later and I'm sitting at about 25 hours in game last I checked. I'm hooked.


My buds on Discord hear almost every moment of my enthusiasm, frustrations, and general elation. From when I'm gleefully wiping Sabrina's entire gym with my level 70 murkrow and trashtalking all the way, to when I'm raging that every geodude I fight has sturdy and always hits a Magnitude 7 or higher 100% of the time on my Pikachu (or, you know, the actual difficult stuff like Giovanni fights and searching 6 hours for that abra I never got ;[ ). They hear me, and now I'm slowly converting them. One of them made an account Sunday, another just made his. Hopfully the whole squad jumps on board.


Either way, squad or not, just wanted to introduce myself and let yall know who to look out when I hit that tournament/pvp level. You bellsprouts better watch out, I'm coming for that grass.

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Pokemon Crater...damn that brings back some memories...

Anyway, welcome.Hope to see you around ^^



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