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This is going to consist of 2 parts.

  1. 1. Brief explanation as to what exactly this idea is about.

  • 2. What functions should be considered to be implemented into private chats 2.0.


1. As we all know, there's an open channel creation system that's usable for everyone if they want to start a community of their own. It takes time to collect people of the same interests/languages/ethnicity onto a single chat that isn't advertised everywhere, but it's worth it as you keep getting a growing community on your chat. It's fun and stuff until one retard gets a hold of your channel and turns it into a mess. All of this is mentioned from my own experience. We decided to create a chat, afterwards our community grew big, people started helping out and became fond of each other. Then one person got a hold of the chat's name and started insulting everyone constantly. His retarded attitude should've earned him a permanent ban straight away, but instead we decided to create a new channel and start again without him.



  • -Allow channel creators to either create the channel as a public one or a private one (Requires an invitation from leaders).
    -Allow people to put passwords on the channel.
    -Allow the creator of the channel to act as it's leader which has kick capabilities that ban a particular from entering the chat again, as well as the option to assign chat's vice-leaders with the same capabilities. (+Invite capabilities for private chats)
    -Don't allow vice-leaders to kick other vices or the leader himself.


That's it for now, if you got any other ideas then feel free to comment them underneath and I'll make sure to add them into the main post.




It is not sufficient that I succeed – all others must fail.

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This should have been implemented long time ago in my opinion. I'm kind of surprised how nobody noticed the fact, that having a password protected channel and chosen admin are important things.

Totally agree with you.

Let's make it happen!

While I think this is a good idea, what you described is basically a guild. Make a guild and then you'll have almost all the things you asked for. I still think that being able to add a password to a private chat channel would be a good idea if it's easy to implement. For now, your best option is a guild.

  saavy said:
140891 We do have a guild, yet we tend to communicate with others that aren't a part of our guild as well. It's no harm to implement an anti-noob system for chats.


Yeah, I agree, you should be able to make a password and have a way to kick/ban someone out of your channel. But, unless you advertise your channel I'm not sure how random people are getting in. Try to keep the name a bit more of a secret if you don't want uninvited people to get in.

  Grayy said:


Yeah, I agree, you should be able to make a password and have a way to kick/ban someone out of your channel. But, unless you advertise your channel I'm not sure how random people are getting in. Try to keep the name a bit more of a secret if you don't want uninvited people to get in.


Anyone in the chat can tell their friend of the chat, or they can find them on screenshots.

It is not sufficient that I succeed – all others must fail.

This would be a good idea, under the assumption that a staff member could bypass the password as necessary, without anyone else in the chat knowing, too make sure no rule-breaking is occurring.


Wouldn't want discussions on things like bots, and/or real-world-trading being talked about freely under lock and key, know what i'm saying?

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
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