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Idea for trading and transport


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Hi Again guys.


I was trying earlier today to meet a guy who was in mt. Silver just to sell them a pokemon and I was all the way in johto just to trade this person at the time, now the train price was not too much, only 2k but it only took me to saffron city and I decided to meet him in the middle by getting to viridian city. It took me another 10 minutes which he could have used to continue farming/ training etc. and I could have also done the same. I have 2 ideas that could solve trading/ transport that could help, and these are suggestions that I also got from a few friends too:


Abra's at pokemon centres or something along those lines so I could get to the person but it comes at a cost, something that could be decided based on distance travel or something along those lines. Another personal feature though that I would like would be like a monthly pass, i.e. I pay a large amount, 100k-200k, for a ticket that allows me to travel to which ever city I wanted for a month.


The other idea is to allow trading to be done in pokemon centers regardless of where you are so if I am in olivine city I can still trade with a person in lavender town because of he is also in a pokemon center.


Again let me know what you think and whether something like that would help. Would be nice to see what you guys also want to implement this.


I know this is an anecdotal example of why I think I want this to be implemented but I hope I am not the only person who thinks this.


Thanks again and I hope you have time to read this post.


Love you guys! :)

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