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Hello @6ixty

Your auction is void as you did not provide evidence of the starting offers, if you intend on starting an auction like this, make sure you have evidence.

As stated in the Auction Rules


Auction Rules
3. Offers received outside of an auction cannot be:

- Claimed or used as current or best offer. 

- Used as a starting bid without the buyer's permission.

Also, ensure you are taking evidence of every bid your receive.


Auction Rules
2. All bids must be acknowledged, and all current/best offers must be publicly announced with the bidder's username and bid amount.

- Forum: This applies to every in-game bid received, and must be acknowledged in the auction thread with a screenshot. Timestamps are preferred.

 This does not apply to bids received on the forum.

 Bids made on Discord are not valid or accepted.

The Charizard trade will not be forced as we do not recognise this as a legitimate bid.

Please read the Trade and Auction rules to avoid any punishment in the future.

Take care,

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