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Pokemon I caught doesn't have OT


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PRO Username: Jamez432

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Trading it with someone.

Battling with the pokemon and winning.

Battling with the pokemon and losing.

Putting pokemon in the pc and relogging.



Description and Message

I fished in Dragons Den for multiple hours in order to find a Dratini for the free mount quest and it had me as the OT when I caught it. But recently after catching a Kangaskhan I took my Dratini out of my pc to go and turn in the quest and noticed it had no OT. prntscr.com/as1ah0 I can provide video evidence if this isn't proof enough


When I went to turn in the quest to the arcanine farmer he said that the Dratini was not caught by me :(

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I do not think you didnt get the mount because the Dratini doesnt have an OT. The Dratini has an OT who is you. If I recall you have to get all 3: Chansey,Khangeskan, and Dratini from safari zone. Now i maybe wrong. However, im 95% sure you have to get them from the safari zone.


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141699 I do not think you didnt get the mount because the Dratini doesnt have an OT. The Dratini has an OT who is you. If I recall you have to get all 3: Chansey,Khangeskan, and Dratini from safari zone. Now i maybe wrong. However, im 95% sure you have to get them from the safari zone.


It just needs OT, can be from anywhere.


I'll pass it onto a Admin.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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