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Lent Pokémon gone missing


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Hello there,

I'm writing to try and solve an issue I've recently encountered. I've tried addressing it on the #request-chat on the official discord, but it got denied. 

Some time ago - I can't remember exactly when - I lent a Pokèmon to a friend for 30d. The time has long been expired, but I can't find the Pokèmon neither in my box, neither in my friend's. 
It might be irrelevant, but the lending started before you disabled the lend option some time ago. So perhaps that could've caused the issue.

The Pokèmon in question is:

Bisharp, lvl 100
Pokemon ID 35139406


Thank you for your attention. 

Best regards, 



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Hello @Mattegray,


Your Bisharp indeed got stuck due to the lending trade and I want to apologise for any inconvenience it caused in the meantime. 


Your Bisharp now has been restored and should be in your last PC slot. Can you please check it and confirm? 

Also, lending trades are now fixed. Don't hesitate to use them again. 354002683662958592.png?size=32

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