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Blissey bug

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Hi my i got a problem i talked to every guy in the ss anne i beat jackson talk to all so normal blissey should spawn but blissey didnt spawn so i cant collect the medicine pls help me , gamemaster said i should open a ticket in this forum so pls can give me an admin this potion i need them really :D :thanks:

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There is no bug on ss anne quest unless you got a crash while did the quest.

make sure you do this following

-go to kitchen and talk to doctor and accept the quest

-get pecha berries

-talk to pharmacist at 2nd floor and give pecha berries

-go to ballroom on left side (not VIP room) and talk to blissey


You might think you did them all but please check them again because most of newcomers did alot of mistake on this quest.

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@WarGreymon i cannot see blissey cuz a "nice" gamemaster who wont help me does banned me -.-" now blissey is 100% despawned becaus i got all , the berry than jenson than kadabra i treid than ballroom and boom nothing no blissey .... :Cry: :Nervous: can you help me :thanks:

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143973 @WarGreymon i cannot see blissey cuz a "nice" gamemaster who wont help me does banned me -.-" now blissey is 100% despawned becaus i got all , the berry than jenson than kadabra i treid than ballroom and boom nothing no blissey .... :Cry: :Nervous: can you help me :thanks:


Wow, was that really necessary though? :/

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