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POKEDEX window transparency +++


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<r><QUOTE author="Saeminity"><s>

</s><POST content="141961"><s></s>141961<e></e></POST> Could u make POKEDEX TRANSPARENCY SLIDER in options also u could make a button to stick at background (battle window\backpack on top). Please add those features to game ui.<e>

Your proposal is not clear to me.</r>

From 2015: I'm still here

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Your proposal is not clear to me.

Dunno how to explain it to you Mr.

This is how transparent window looks. https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--qvX7Jmoh--/187bjru5zn4rzjpg.jpg

Basically you can just see what's under window.. For now when you open POKEDEX is on the top of all game windows including BATTLE WINDOW. My suggestion is to make CHECKBOX for stickin it at bottom of all windows and also allow us to make it more transparent (this blue background w/ red corners) so you can see map n' other stuff trough it more clearly. I often check pokedex while e.g. im moving from town to town, chatting with friend via private chat n stuff like this, even while battling. I think other people do same stuff very often.

Will be great to have slider for rising transparency of POKEDEX @ options. I think that it's quite easy to code this features for just one window.

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Or...you could open the pokedex, use it, then close it when its not needed :p


there is literally no other point to this other than an unneeded addition. Shane has a lot more things to do than make this.


MAYBE, in the far future when he has ran out of things to code, then a QoL update such as this would make it in, otherwise i doubt this will happen.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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there is literally no other point to this other than an unneeded addition. Shane has a lot more things to do than make this.



well if u see it this way... :-)

still, can't agree with ya, especially when players have nonstop contact with game UI

for me it is better to make current features better, (fix, improve existing stuff) than implement new ones when current features are not perfect.

but it's only my opinion,

anyway i hope that new fatures will be almost 99.9 perfect when they come live, cuz no point of going live with new stuff and then fix them for months n' also minimize the effects of bug or broken stuff.



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