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        hi all,

                  i have a suggestion to add in shop an item that help trainers leveling up their mones fast without ev gain then the player can train his desired ev & like this he will not have to use reducing ev berries later if he choose that !. 

         as exapmle i have a level 4 charmender & i want to level it fast before training its atk & speed ev (so that leveling will no affect evs).

                                                                                                                                                        p.s = name this item as "evlocker"

Edited by Ursleepkiller

Thank you for your suggestion. 🙂


I'm personally not totally convinced of the necessity of such item since - like you already mentioned - there are ev-berries which might devalue if an 'ev locker' would make it into the game. 


I'm not against this idea nor do i support it


+/- 0 


PvP Shop - Shiny & Event Shop -



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