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Hello, my IGN is Harutaa and i'm 19 years old. I'm playing this game for nearly 2 Years and managed to get pass all the stories already. 


I spent multiple Hourse, Days, and Weeks to grind PvP (was not really successful in that, but i wanna learn it and get better) i love PvE and i'm really good at creating new strategies, fast lvl up and super duper fast EV services!

Currently i dont play PRO that often because all my friends quit the game and its boring to play alone all day. Thats why i'm looking forward to join a guild with active discord server so we can make friends, enjoy the game and have a good time together. 


My Favorite Pokémon is Seismitoad since gen 5 got released. 

My Goal is to get better at PvP and teambuilding since i already got everything in PvE and its pretty easy against bosses always. So maybe i would love to join a PvP group that would like to help me get better and is friendly to PvP beginners. 

This is my trainercard:image.png.6ba77bfe06152339e031745ad7d1efac.png


I play on gold server currently, would change to silver if a guild from silver server is interested in recruiting me. 

My Discord Name is harutaa#2760 and would love to get a message from you. 


Hopefuly see you soon! 

Regards, Harutaa




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