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Noivern / Flygon (closed)


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Welcome to the auction  :PixiuKnife:


Start: 1

Min bid: 1

Duration: 24 hours (after the first bid)

Payment: Pokedollars


Note: Not a bundle. Make bids clear. Example: "Noivern 2" or "Noivern 2 Pokedollars". If "each", then say each / ea. No cancellations, no insta


Countdown: https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=24:00:00&date=2023-04-27T17:56:45&title=Noivern+%2F+Flygon

Closed: Noivern @Vansh01 50k / Flygon @Vansh01 63,001

Edited by Lacomus

Discord: lacoisi

IGN: Lacomus

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